Saturday, May 26, 2012

Things to Look Forward to Between Now and 2018

The future is finally here.  It’s certainly awesome, but there’s so much going on, it can be hard to keep track of it all sometimes.  So, for your reading pleasure, I will break down the most anticipated movies, sports, political events, and scientific milestones set to take place between now and the end of the decade.  Some of these are events already set to occur, while others are predictions by yours truly. 

May 25th, 2012 - Men in Black 3
Will Smith returns this weekend for a third MiB movie.  I saw this on opening night, and it was awesome!!  You could make the argument that it’s better than the original.  Basically, Agent J (Will Smith) is sent back in time to 1969.  There he battles an evil alien alongside the younger version of Tommy Lee Jones’ Agent K.  I love Will Smith and this easily ranks among his best work.  Make sure you check it out in 3D, it was definitely worth the extra $5. 

June 1st, 2012 - Prometheus
Ridley Scott directs an Alien prequel that takes place in the year 2085.  In the future, archaeologists find several copies of the same map carved in stone in different locations around the world.  They determine they were left by aliens thousands of years ago, and go on to explore the darkest corners of the universe.  Eventually, they land on a distant planet and awaken a long dormant alien species.  The previews look pretty intense and this will also be in 3D/IMAX. 

July 20th, 2012 - Dark Knight Rises
Expectations are as high as they can get for the follow up to The Dark Knight.  Plot details are scarce, but we know that Batman comes out of retirement ten years later to battle a terrorist named Bane (played by Tom Hardy).  Bane wants to kill all of Gotham’s rich citizens, and starts by destroying an entire football stadium.  According to the trailer, this will be the final movie of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy.  This should easily be the top box office draw of 2012. 

July 12th, 2012 – The Summer Olympics
Everyone knows the Summer Olympics is better than the crappy Winter version.  This year should be great, I’m looking forward to Michael Phelps, Women’s Soccer and Men’s Basketball all dominating the competition for the U.S.   

August 3rd, 2012 - Total Recall
Colin Farrell stars in a remake of ‘Total Recall’ – one of the best sci-fi movies of all time.  I was worried they might fuck it up, but judging from the previews – this should be awesome.  Along with Colin Farrell playing the lead role, they have Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) playing Cohaagen, the main villain.  It looks similar to the original in terms of plot, just with major upgrades as far as special effects. 

August 5th, 2012 - Probe Lands of Mars
NASA’s probe ‘Curiosity’ is set to land on Mars on August 5th to do research on the planet’s surface.  It has four main objectives:  To determine whether Mars is or has ever been able to support life, to collect data for a human mission, to study geology and to study the climate.  I’m hoping they discover something crazy, like a T-Rex skull, forcing scientists to rethink everything they “know” about dinosaurs.    

September 28th, 2012 - Looper
All you need to know is that Bruce Willis time travels to 2042.  Based on that alone, this should be awesome.  The plot is pretty complex, but this is my best understanding of it:  In the year 2042, criminals are going back in time and the government is sending assassins back in time to kill them.  The assassins are known as ‘Loopers’ because they are to be killed themselves once they complete their mission.  This is to prevent the paradox of them running into their other “self”.  This is turn results in an infinite “loop” of assassins killing other assassins every time the government tries to change history.  Bruce Willis recently told Esquire that this was the best movie he’s ever done (even though he says that a lot). 

December 14th, 2012 - The Hobbit
The Hobbit is kind of for nerds, but I have to admit – the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies were way better than I ever thought they would be.  Peter Jackson will be producing and will have a bigger budget and better special effects to work with than he did for LOTR. 

December 21st, 2012 – One Shot
This movie is based on a novel by Lee Child and Tom Cruise plays an assassin named Jack Reacher.  Fans of the book are reportedly upset as the original version has Reacher billed at 6’5”, 250 pounds while Tom Cruise is only 5’7”.  Even though Cruise is short and almost 50 years old, he can still kick a ton of ass.  He is coming off the most successful movie of his career (MI:4 grossed $603 million worldwide), and is now as popular as he was during his ‘Top Gun’ heyday.  I’m sure the action sequences will get a little ridiculous, but this should be awesome.  Hopefully, this will help reestablish Tom Cruise as Hollywood’s top action star.   

February 14th, 2013 - A Good Day to Die Hard
Bruce Willis returns on Valentine’s Day for a fifth Die Hard movie.  This installment will be a father/son story, in which John McClane’s son is captured and held hostage in Russia by Hans Gruber – the terrorist McClane battled in Die Hard 3.  This should be awesome just like all of the ‘Die Hard’ movies and Bruce Willis has been saying that this will be as good as the original (even though he says shit like that all the time).    

March 16th, 2013 - Star Trek 2
Even if you think Star Trek is for nerds, you have to admit the most recent movie was amazing.  The sequel began shooting in January of 2012, and is tentatively set for release next Spring.  It still doesn’t have a title, but it has nearly everyone returning from 2009’s effort including J.J Abrams, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. 

April 23rd, 2013 - Wolves first MN team to make playoffs in almost four years
Certainly not much of a bold prediction, but after some key offseason trades and the return of Ricky Rubio, the Wolves will become the first Mn sports team to make the playoffs since the 2009 Vikings.  Pretty pathetic when you consider that half the teams make the postseason in the NBA and NHL.  If we have Rubio and Love healthy, we should be able to get out of the first round and do some real damage.   

June 7th, 2013 – After Earth
M. Night Shyamalan returns to the sci-fi genre he does best.  Will Smith and his son crash land on Earth 1,000 years after humans have abandoned the planet.  Not much else is known about the plot at this time, but there should be a big swerve at the end like all other Shyamalan movies.

June 21st, 2013 - World War Z
Brad Pitt stars as Gerry Lane, a U.N. employee that is racing around the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly zombie pandemic.  It’s based on a book, and as usual – people are upset the movie is differentiating from the original story.  As long as it has Brad Pitt killing a bunch of zombies, I’ll be seeing it for sure. 

July 7th, 2013 – Robocop
In 2010, Sony secured the rights to the Robocop franchise and the reboot is set to start filming in the Summer of ’12.  All we know so far is that Joel Kinnamon will star as Robocop and that it will be directed by up and comer Jose Padiha.  It will also have a somewhat limited budget of $80 million.  If this is even half as good as the original, I’ll be stoked.  Unfortunately, Robocop 2 and 3 (flying Robocop?  Are you fucking kidding?) were awful, so it’s tough to predict how good this one will be. 

November 1st, 2013 – Ender’s Game
Harrison Ford returns to a promising sci-fi script and is hoping to redeem himself after 2011’s disappointing ‘Cowboys & Aliens’.  The movie is based on a 1985 novel about an unusually gifted child sent to an advanced military school to prepare for an alien invasion.  In this future reality, aliens have already invaded Earth twice, and have nearly wiped out mankind each time.  The aliens are expected to return and therefore the brightest children get sent away to prepare for the impending battle. 

December 25th, 2013 - Ninja Turtles
Look at what all of us 80’s children will be getting for Christmas next year – a new Ninja Turtles movie!!!  This looks to be a complete reboot and the producers have dropped the “Teenage Mutant” part from the title.  This will be completely live action, similar to the original Turtles movies.  Now, if I can only convince my family to go see this after we open presents…

April 4th, 2014 – The Neverending Story
I used to love ‘The Neverending Story’ movies when I was a kid.  If you’ve never seen them, basically a young boy gets lost in a book about a warrior named Bastien.  He rides around on a flying dog named Falkor while trying to outrun the Nothing.  It’s pretty trippy and it’s done with a lot of puppets Jim Henson style.  However, ‘The Neverending Story’ has not aged well.  I dare you to try and watch it now.  I watched half of it a few months ago, and it was so painfully cheesy I had to turn it off.  With the reboot being made for 2014, hopefully the studios can invest enough money to make it seem cool for a new generation of kids.    

June 16th, 2014 - Bill and Ted 3
This is only happening because Keanu doesn’t have much else going on, but who cares - I’ve always wanted to see another Bill and Ted movie.  Can you imagine how psyched Alex Wright (Bill) was when he got the call from Keanu?  “Hey bro, what are you doing?”  “Uh, not much dude, just sitting here in my apartment eating Teddy Grahams”  “Wanna like, make ‘Bill and Ted 3’, dude?”  “Whoooaaaahhh!!  Fuck yeah dude!  Can we like start tomorrow?  I’m behind on my rent”.  Anyways, it’s been 21 years since the last time we saw Bill and Ted in ‘Bogus Journey’ – where they cheated death and wrote a song to save the world.  The script is supposed to be like the original, but instead of rounding up historical figures, they are traveling through time and collecting rock stars from different eras.  I vote for Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Michael Jackson to get swooped up by the time traveling phone booth. 

July 6th, 2014 – MLB All Star Game Target Field
This is going to be great.  When was the last time we had something like this in Minneapolis?  The 1992 Super Bowl at the Metrodome?  Anyways, this will be the hottest ticket in town – especially when you consider how few playoff games there will be in Mn over the next decade.  

August 12th, 2014 – Anchorman 2
The return of Ron Burgundy was recently announced on an episode on ‘Conan’.  I consider this Will Farrell’s best role and after a series of slight disappointments, this should give his career a boost.  It will be deece funny, but like Hangover 2, there will be a lot of recycled material from the first go round.

December 16th, 2014 - Super Mario 4
After several years of disappointment from the Wii, Nintendo will launch a new console system for Christmas 2014.  It’s rumored that the system will launch with a true sequel to everyone’s favorite childhood game, Super Mario 3.  Yes ladies and gentleman, Raccoon Mario is set to return.    

December 25th, 2014 - New Hope in 3D
After the dreadfully slow release of the prequel movies in 3D, George Lucas will finally give us what we want.  We’ll get ‘New Hope’ for Christmas 2014, ‘Empire’ for Summer of ’15 and ‘Jedi’ for Summer of ’16.   

Dec 27th, 2014 – Google Eyeball
Eye sensor technology is currently in development by Google that would blow your mind.  They are working on a hands free way to surf the internet through a special set of glasses or contacts.  It works similar to standard motion sensor technology, except it is controlled by the motion of your pupil.  You will be able to install apps on a set of glasses or contacts that you could access in the upper right corner of your field of vision (Imagine a Google search bar every time you looked up and to the right).  So, if your friend is being a dick and insisting that Ozzie Smith was the 1986 NL MVP, you can say “No he wasn’t!  Google eyeball…search Wikipedia…NL MVP…1986…boom Mike Schmidt!!  Fuck you I told you it was Mike Schmidt, you idiot” – all by using simple eye movements.   

March 7th, 2015 – End of Moore’s Law
Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit will double every two years.  This has held true for decades and basically equates to computing power doubling with the increase in transistors.  We are currently at a point where scientists can create transistors in a lab setting as thin as six atoms wide.  If we can do that now, there is very, very little room left for improvement.  In 2015, we will reach a point where many aspects of computing will be maxed out.  Circuits and memory chips will be as efficient as possible and few improvements will be left to make.  Engineers will ask themselves “now what?”  And the answer is outer space. 

After the tech-lull of 2015, companies like Apple and Google will begin a new ‘Space Race’ by using their private technology to explore our solar system.  While finding other life forms may be a stretch, it’s very likely that there are other valuable resources in our solar system.  Eventually, new types of energy sources will be found and mined in outer space including more efficient forms of rocket fuel.  Over time, the new “Moore’s Law” will measure increases in the speed of space travel.  For example, every 2-3 years the amount of time it takes to fly to Saturn may be cut in half.  Someday, we will be able to go faster than the speed of light – disproving Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.    

August 12th, 2015 - Jurassic Park IV
Although this isn’t 100% confirmed yet, it’s pretty damn close.  Steven Spielberg told reporters that he would be making ‘Jurassic Park 4’ “in the next two or three years” at Comic-Con 2011.  I watched some of part 3 the other day, and it was pretty forgettable.  If they do a fourth movie, they have to reinvent the franchise somehow so it’s different than 2 and 3.  As long as they find a new angle, this could be among the biggest movies of ’15.      

February 16th, 2016 – Rocky VII
Yes, this is going to happen.  After Stallone finishes filming Expendables II, he’s slated to work on Rambo V (yes, I’m totally serious) during late ’12.  Once he finishes Rambo, he plans on making Rocky VII.  It sounds ridiculous, but I’ll be psyched to see this for sure.  Rocky 1-4 are some of my favorite all time movies, and Stallone’s most recent effort, ‘Rocky Balboa’ (Rocky 6) was great as well.  Stallone is now 65 and I know you’re thinking “that’s insane”, but that’s the same age as Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan – and they’re still active wrestlers.  Stallone is in way better shape than either of them and is also a better actor.  While I don’t care a ton about ‘Expendables II’ or ‘Rambo V’, I will happily pay to see ‘Rocky 7’ in the theater – even if it gets shit reviews.  Just in case Stallone is reading my column, I’ll give him a million dollar script for free:  Rocky vs Mike Tyson.  It would just be so perfect.  Iron Mike needs money and wants to get into acting, and Rocky needs someone credible to fight within twenty years of his age (Tyson is 45).  Make it happen Stallone!!!

March 12th, 2016 – MLS Mn Team’s Inaugural Season
As part of the Vikings stadium deal, Zygi Wilf has a five year exclusive bid on an MLS franchise for Mn.  He will be granted an expansion team in 2014 and the team will debut for the 2016 season.  For a team name I suggest the “MN Madness’ – because it sounds cool and is also a tribute to the late Macho Man Randy Savage. 

May 25th, 2016 - Death of Books
Yeah, I can’t believe they still make them now either.  But by May of 2016, companies will officially cease making physical copies of books.  Someday, my kids will ask “What’s a book?” and I’ll say, “It’s kind of like an article but a really long one wrote down on a bunch of pieces of paper.  Except there’s no holograms or music or anything except words”.  And they’ll say “dad, that sounds boring”.  And I’ll be like, “It was, it really was”. 

June 7th, 2016 – Terminator 5
After filming ‘Twins 2’ with Danny DeVito and Eddie Murphy, Arnold will return to his most famous role.  After the very disappointing ‘Terminator Salvation’, the producers realized it just wasn’t the same without Arnold.  Schwarzenegger will receive the biggest payday of his career and this will be hailed as the second best Terminator movie behind T2.   

August 15th, 2016 – Jupiter landing
After a five your journey from Earth, NASAs space probe ‘Juno’ will reach Jupiter in August of 2016.  It is set to orbit Jupiter 33 times while taking pictures and other observations.  This should be awesome because we really don’t know anything about Jupiter, other than it’s mostly made up of gas.  Scientists hope that studying Jupiter will give us clues as to how our solar system was formed.     

October 30th, 2016 – Ghostbusters 3
Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis and Jason Segel will resurrect the Ghostbusters franchise for Halloween ’16.  There will be a small cameo shot with Bill Murray, but he will been upset with the final cut and refuse to do any promotion for the film.   The movie itself will be great; but it will feel completely different than the first two movies.      

November 5th, 2016 - Death of the Penny
Fuck you pennies!!  Once upon a time, pennies were invented when it was practical to buy things for one cent.  But that was like three hundred years ago.  Nowadays, 99% of all items cost at least a dollar.   If you could travel back in time to the 1800’s, and explain that in 2012 one hundred copper coins would be sufficient to trade to for a small bottle of water – they’d think you’re crazy.  Anyways, pennies will be banned as part of the 2016 election and everything will be priced in five cent increments from then on. 

November 5th, 2016 – Marijuana legal in California
After their economy continues to struggle, California will become the first state to tax and legalize the sale of marijuana resulting in an additional $5 billion in annual tax revenues.  Unfortunately, productivity and other tax revenues will decrease due to everyone being high all the time. 

March 3rd, 2017 – Auto Drive Technology Legalized
Google has been perfecting its auto drive technology for years, and it will finally get the go ahead from legislators in 2017.  Instead of having to worry about getting home after a long night of drinking, you just hop in your car and tell it where to go.  This will be awesome news for alcoholics, and terrible news for cab drivers. 

November 15th, 2017 – Space Travel Vacations
Virgin Galactic is set to launch their maiden space flight in late 2017 with a cost of $200,000/person.  While that seems like a ton of money, the price will come down dramatically over time and we should be able to go into space at least once in our lifetime.  Eventually, there will be vacation spots on the moon including bars and nightclubs where you can party in zero gravity. 

December 23rd, 2017 – Star Wars VII
When ‘Empire Strikes Back’ was first released, Lucas explained that it was episode five in a nine episode story – to be told as three separate trilogies.  Since then, he has retracted that statement and said there will be no more movies.  The problem is, Lucasfilm Studios cannot survive on making video games and cartoons about Star Wars 1-6 forever.  Eventually, interest will die out without a new film.  Lucas knows this in his heart, and will want to oversee these movies before he dies.  Our dreams will come true with Episode 7 arriving for Christmas 2017.  The budget will be among the biggest of all time, and the new trilogy will be way better than Episodes 1-3.  

Sept 30th, 2018 – Joe Mauer’s Contract Expires
Wow.  Hard to believe this is the last thing on the list.  After self-driving cars, ‘Rocky 7’, ‘Star Wars 7’ and two more Presidential elections, Joe Mauer will finally become a free agent at the end of the 2018 season.  That’s a lot more milk and shampoo commercials before we can sign anyone else to a big contract.


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